Campus Parking Permit Information & Traffic/Parking Regulations
Chaminade University’s parking regulations have been created in compliance with state laws and to ensure the safest possible environment for those who operate vehicles on campus. The University expects each community member to drive safely, follow traffic & parking regulations, and act responsibly. Chaminade University is not liable for damage, theft, or burglary of any vehicle parked or operated on campus.
A parking permit is required to park anywhere on campus, Monday through Friday, 6:00am through 4:00pm, during the fall and spring terms (August through May). All other policies listed here are in effect year-round.
- All commuting University students must have a current parking permit to park on campus.
- Parking permits are not transferable from one person to another.
- A University parking permit does not guarantee an available parking space.
- Handwritten or typed notes, as well as University parking permits from prior years, are not recognized as permits. Vehicles parked without a current parking permit may be cited.
- All vehicles must be parked in a legal, Chaminade-designated space or be subject to citations and/or tow.
- Residents who obtain rental cars must:
- Inform staff in the Office Housing & Residence Life prior to parking on or off-campus,
- Request a temporary parking pass, and
- Inform Security
- After 4pm weekdays and all day Saturday/Sunday and University holidays, parking in any non-reserved, unrestricted surface lot is open to all permit holders and visitors.
- All students residing in University-owned housing must have a current resident-designated parking permit to park on-campus and/or in designated lots near the residence halls. Permits designated with a “W” are for Waialae residents and all other resident permits are marked with an “R”.
- Resident parking is available between Hale Lokelani and Hale Pohaku residence halls and adjacent to the Waialae Apartments to accommodate those students who live nearest to those parking areas.
- Parking permits are not transferable from one person to another.
- A University parking permit does not guarantee an available parking space. Waialae residents purchasing a permit will be assigned a specific parking stall due to the limited number of stalls.
- Handwritten or typed notes, as well as University parking permits from prior years, are not recognized as permits. Vehicles parked without a current parking permit may be cited.
- All vehicles must be parked in a legal, Chaminade-designated space or be subject to citations and/or tow.
- Commuting students who obtain rental cars must:
- Request a one-day parking pass from Security, OR
- If a pass is needed more long term, make a request to the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs & Dean of Students
- After 4pm weekdays and all day Saturday/Sunday and University holidays, parking in any non-reserved, unrestricted surface lot is open to all permit holders and visitors.
For Residents in Waialae Apartments:
- Waialae Apartments Parking Space Application (1st come, 1st served)
- Residents of the Waialae Apartments (3353 Waialae Ave) who purchase a University parking permit will be assigned a space in the Waialae parking lot, if available. See Vehicle Registration section below for more information.
- During the winter break, residents who reside in the Waialae apartments are encouraged to move their vehicles onto the main campus. Students will need to contact the Director of Campus Safety at least one week in advance to make arrangements for leaving their vehicle on-campus over the winter break.
- Employee status is determined by the Office of Human Resources.
- Employee parking permits are valid for one academic year. Only one parking permit per employee will be issued. The permit is transferable to any vehicle the employee registers with the Office of Human Resources.
- Parking permits are not transferable from one person to another.
- A University parking permit does not guarantee an available parking space.
- Handwritten or typed notes, as well as University parking permits from prior years, are not recognized as permits. Vehicles parked without a current parking permit may be cited.
- All vehicles must be parked in a legal, Chaminade-designated space or be subject to citations and/or tow.
- After 4 PM weekdays and all day Saturday/Sunday and University holidays, parking in any non-reserved, unrestricted surface lot is open to all permit holders and visitors.
- Visitor parking stalls are available in front of Clarence T.C. Ching Hall (marked blue stalls). Please see CTCC Hall receptionist (located in the front lobby of the building) for a parking pass for these spaces.
- In addition, a non-student Visitor Parking Pass may be obtained from the Campus Security Office. Visitors with parking passes must park in yellow or white “CUH” marked stalls that are not otherwise reserved, either on a campus road or in the parking structure. See Campus Security for additional assistance.
- Current students may obtain a single day Visitor Pass through the Security Office. Students may receive a total of three (3) single day Visitor Passes per academic year for non-consecutive days. To obtain a single day pass, a student will need to go to the Security Office and present: 1) a valid CUH ID; 2) a valid drivers’ license; 3) current registration for the vehicle for which pass is being obtained. Students will need to complete and sign a brief form.
- Student visitor passes for longer than one day must be approved through the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs & Dean of Students (Henry Hall, Room 221). Students will be required to submit documentation related to the request.
Residence Hall Visitor Parking
- Residents & authorized visitors may not park in the first three stalls next to Hale Lokelani Monday through Friday, 6am-6pm, designated for the Montessori preschool
- Visitors may not park in the Housing & Residence Life parking stall next to Hale Lokelani. Parking in these spaces may result in a ticket or towing.
Students must go to the Business Office on the 1st floor of Clarence T.C. Ching Hall, Monday through Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm (except on University holidays), with required documents (see below), to register a vehicle and to purchase a parking permit. You must be registered for the current semester in order to purchase a parking permit. If your status changes to “not enrolled” during the semester, your parking permit will no longer be valid.
REQUIRED DOCUMENTS: Completed Parking Application Form; Valid Driver’s License; Current Vehicle Registration for each vehicle being registered; Chaminade Student ID
- Upon presentation of the required documentation and payment of the required fee, the vehicle(s) will be registered and a parking permit will be issued for the current semester only, while available.
- Vehicle parking permits must be hung from the rearview mirror with the permit number facing out. For safety purposes, the vehicle operator is strongly encouraged to remove the permit from the rearview mirror while the vehicle is in use.
- The permit holder is solely responsible for loss of permit and will need to pay the designated replacement fee. Stolen permits should be immediately reported to Campus Security.
- Commuting students (students not living on campus residence halls) may register up to two vehicles to their student permit.
- Only one vehicle associated with a parking permit may park on campus at any given time. If two vehicles associated with the same permit are found on campus at the same time, both vehicles will receive a citation.
- Motorcycle and moped permits must be attached to the front fender.
- Permits are not transferable from person to person and are not to be altered or sold.
- The registered driver is responsible for the vehicle while at a Chaminade on- or off-campus facility and for all citations issued to their vehicle permit number.
- If the vehicle is sold or otherwise disposed of, it is the responsibility of the student to remove the permit from the vehicle and return it to the Business Office. A replacement vehicle must be registered as indicated above before a replacement permit is issued.
- The theft and/or alteration of a CUH parking permit is a violation of the Chaminade University Student Code of Conduct. A campus fine of $200 plus possible additional sanctions will be imposed on those found in violation.
For Residents in Waialae Apartments:
- Apply for an off-campus housing parking permit with the Office of Housing & Residence Life (Kieffer Hall, Room 11). Spaces are limited. Permit application opens on August 1st.
- Then, submit payment at the University Business Office located in Clarence T.C. Ching Hall.
Fees & Replacement Fee
- $210 per vehicle/per semester (on-campus parking permit only, excludes any residence hall parking)
- $255 per vehicle/per semester (on-campus parking and on-campus residence hall parking permit)
- $270 per vehicle/per semester (on-campus parking and off-campus residence hall parking permit)
- $85 per motorcycle/moped per semester (on-campus parking permit and/or on/off campus residence hall parking permit)
Replacement Fee
- A student vehicle parking permit may be replaced one time only for a fee of $85.
- A student motorcycle/moped parking permit may be replaced one time only for a fee of $35.
REQUIRED DOCUMENTS: Completed Parking Application Form; Valid Driver’s License; Current Vehicle Registration
- Vehicles may be registered at the Office of Human Resources, Monday through Friday, between hours of 8:30 am and 4:00 pm except holidays.
- Upon presentation of the required documentation the vehicle will be registered and a parking permit issued. The Faculty/Staff parking permit is a hangtag which is to be displayed on the rearview mirror while parked on campus, with the permit title and date facing out.
- Faculty and staff may register up to two vehicles and must display their hang tag permit on any registered vehicle they park on campus.
- Motorcycle and moped permits must be attached to the front fender.
- Permits are not transferable from person to person and are not to be altered or sold.
- The registered driver is responsible for the vehicle while at a Chaminade on- or off-campus facility and for all citations issued to their vehicle permit number.
- If the vehicle is sold or otherwise disposed of, it is the responsibility of the employee to remove the permit from the vehicle and return it to the Business Office. A replacement vehicle must be registered as indicated above before a replacement permit is issued.
- A faculty/staff permit may be replaced one time only for a fee of $20. Replacement hang tags may be paid for and picked up from the Office of Human Resources.
These regulations shall govern parking and operation of all vehicles on campus and shall be in effect 24 hours daily, 365 days per year:
- All posted signs regarding traffic control and parking must be observed. Violations will subject the registered driver to citations or possible towing. Do not assume parking is permissible in areas without signage.
- A parked vehicle must be inside the lines on each side of the vehicle.
- All traffic must proceed in the designated direction, including mopeds, motorcycles and golf carts. Failure to comply with these instructions may result in the loss of parking privileges. Note that the traffic pattern is different between midnight and 6am. During this time period, the road passing the Campus Security Office is two-way and vehicles are required to check-in with Campus Security.
- As Saint Louis School has student pick-up on 2nd Road, traffic may be congested between 12:30pm-3:30pm. Drivers are encouraged to utilize 3rd Road to avoid the heavier traffic times.
- Parking in stalls that are designated for Saint Louis High School (marked SLS) will result in your vehicle being ticketed and/or towed at your expense.
- When a citation is issued and processed through the Business Office, a Security hold will be placed on the permit holder’s account.
- Kaminaka Gate entrance is one-way only. The entrance will be open Monday through Friday, 6:30am to 9am and 3pm to 6pm, during the fall/spring terms and summer. This entrance is closed on weekends and holidays. It is not to be used as an exit from campus at any time. Attempts to exit from this location may result in a $50 citation.
- Between 6am and 4pm, Monday through Friday (except University holidays), vehicles may be parked only in the designated Student Parking areas on campus. In the parking structure, stalls (5 through 118) are designated for CUH parking.
- Between 4pm and 12:00 midnight, you may park your vehicle in any CUH designated parking stall on campus or in the parking structure between 4:00 pm and 12:00 midnight with the exception of the following:
- Stalls marked with signage indicating specific days/hours that the stalls are reserved.
- Parking is not allowed around the Oval at the front of campus on any day between midnight and 6:00 am. Violators will be towed.
- During the seven days of the week, after midnight, you may only park in the on- or off-campus resident parking lots if you have a Residence Life Parking permit. All non-registered vehicles must be removed from the premises by midnight. Guests parking in the on- or off-campus resident parking lots without a Temporary Parking permit will be subject to towing at the owner’s expense.
- Violation of these regulations may result in the removal of the vehicle from the premises at the expense of the permit holder or registered owner. Revocation or suspension of a parking permit may occur without refund. All imposed fines are above and beyond any vehicle removal and storage charges. The permit holder shall be liable for fines for violations, whether driving or not.
- If your vehicle is towed, please contact Campus Security at (808) 735-4792.
- If any vehicle or its parts or contents are damaged or stolen, the incident must be immediately reported to the Campus Security Office, located in the Henry Hall Annex, or call (808) 735-4792.
- If you damage an unoccupied vehicle on campus, report it immediately to the Campus Security Office, leave a note under the windshield wiper of the other car, stating your name, telephone #, license plate # and the name of your insurance carrier. There is no substitute for courtesy and respect for the rights of others.
- WARNING: Do not park your vehicle at any time in a driveway, walkway, grassy area, red curb, fire hydrant, crosswalk, loading zone, front of boulders blocking a road, garbage dumpsters, Saint Louis High School designated space (marked SLS), emergency entrance (located in front of Henry Hall leading to McCabe Gym), accessible parking stalls (unless you have an approved placard and documentation issued by the Department of Transportation), Marianist Hall Parking Lot (located on the Diamond Head side of Eiben Hall), Hale Malia Marianist Community Parking Lot located off Kieffer Road, on the curb side of Clarence T.C. Ching Hall, or in any reserved parking stall. Vehicles parking in these areas will be subject to towing. Vehicles parked in red curb areas will be subject to IMMEDIATE towing at owner’s expense.
- For ADA parking, please check with the Campus Security Office. Parking violations for ADA stalls carry a $500 fine. Appeals for these citations are not granted.
The speed limit for both campuses (Chaminade University and Saint Louis School) is 5 MPH.
Legal Parking Spaces
- Absence of signage is NOT authorization to park. Parking is only permitted within designated areas and in unrestricted stalls within painted parallel lines.
- If you do not understand where to park, please contact Campus Security Office at (808)735-4792. A space not marked with a NO PARKING sign does not necessarily imply that it is an authorized parking space. It is your responsibility to be aware of the different parking designations on campus.
- Parking on grass, sidewalks, driveways, or in loading docks is prohibited.
- In the parking structure, stalls 5 through 118 are designated for CUH parking.
- Mopeds & motorcycles must be registered and have a current permit to park in designated parking areas. Moped & motorcycle parking is only available in the locations listed below. Mopeds & motorcycles are not permitted to park within the parking structure.
- Campus Store/Mailroom parking lot in the lower campus area
- Resident Parking Lot near Hale Pohaku
- 3rd Road across from the Sullivan Family Library building
- 3rd Road across from the Eiben Hall Parking Lot
- Behind the Behavioral Sciences Building
- Front of Kieffer Hall (near the Observatory Building)
- YELLOW LINES AND CURBS: designated Faculty/Staff parking.
- WHITE LINES AND CURBS: designated Student parking (unless otherwise noted by signage). Faculty & staff may also park in upper campus lots (white stalls) above Brogan Hall and the Behavioral Sciences buildings.
- BLUE AND/OR GREEN STALLS AND CURBS: indicate special parking. Do not park in these stalls.
- 24 HOUR RESERVED SPACES: Assigned vehicles only. Violators will be towed.
- PARKING STRUCTURE: white stalls (5 through 118) are for CUH students, faculty, staff, and visitor parking.
Overnight Parking and Vehicle Storage
- Overnight camping/sleeping in vehicles is prohibited.
- No storage of vehicles is allowed anywhere on campus.
- Overnight parking is prohibited except for students living in the residence halls.
- Faculty and staff permit holders traveling for university business must contact the Director of Campus Safety if they would like to request parking their vehicle on-campus for the duration of their trip.
Citations & Outstanding Fines
- Parking citations may be issued for vehicles in violation of university’s traffic and parking regulations. Individuals with unpaid citations on record are ineligible to get a new parking permit until all outstanding fees have been paid.
- Parking permit holders are responsible for parking fines issued to their vehicles.
- All outstanding citations must be paid in full at the Business Office (cash or credit card) during business hours (8:30 am-4:30 pm). There are no exceptions.
- After a citation is issued and placed on the front windshield of the vehicle, the Campus Security is not liable should the citation fall off or be removed.
- For information about paying or appealing a citation, please see section below on Appeals.
Traffic & Parking Policy Violations and Fees
Speeding/Reckless Driving | $50 |
Failure to heed direction of an authorized university official and/or traffic signage | $75 |
Driving on areas other than streets, roads, or parking areas | $50 |
Operating or parking a motor vehicle of any type within a building | $25 |
Moving violations of the City & County of Honolulu Traffic Code (not otherwise specified in these regulations) | $25 |
Parking in prohibited areas, including but not limited to planted areas, sidewalks, driveways, crosswalks, designated “No Parking” areas, and in a space not designated for that specific type of vehicle | $25 (possible tow) |
Parking in a reserved stall (sign posted) | $50 (possible tow) |
Double parking or not parked wholly within a marked parking space | $25 |
Parking in a space reserved for persons with disabilities without display of valid placard | $500 (possible tow) |
Parking in an access aisle adjacent to disability space or fire lane (marked blue or yellow lines) | $200 |
Parking in a loading zone longer than 15 minutes | $25 |
Moving any barricade (i.e. parking cones) or parking within any barricaded area | $50 |
No parking of moped/motorcycles in parking structure | $25 |
Parking without a valid permit | $50 |
Improper permit display | $25 |
Possessing or using counterfeit, altered, defaced, illegally transferred, or stolen permit | $200 |
Repeat of flagrant violations of parking regulations | $100 |
Any person (student, staff, faculty, visitor) may appeal a parking citation. Appeals must be submitted to the Director of Student Conduct & Title IX via the Parking Citation Appeal form within three (3) business days after the alleged violation.
Failure to appeal within the 3-day period shall be deemed as an admission of the alleged violation. There are no exceptions to the deadline. The decision of the Director of Student Conduct & Title IX is final.
Appeals for citations issued by Saint Louis School (SLS) must be submitted to the SLS Dean of Students within three (3) business days after the alleged violation. Call the SLS Dean of Students at (808) 739-4811 with any questions.
Towing Vehicles
- Vehicles parked in restricted areas without a permit or otherwise impeding access to any area of campus may be towed at the owner’s expense. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- If your vehicle is towed, please contact Campus Security (808) 735-4792. All outstanding citations must be paid in full at the Business Office (cash or credit card) during business hours (8:30 am-4:30 pm). There are no exceptions.
- Vehicles parked in or obstructing use of an accessible space, ramp, curb cutout, delivery zones/loading docks, closed lots, fire hydrant/fire lane.
- Vehicles parked in areas other than legal parking spaces as noted in this policy. This includes parking in designated Saint Louis School stalls (marked SLS).
- Vehicles with outstanding citations.
- If your vehicle is towed, please contact Campus Security (808) 735-4792. Chaminade University parking citations are separate fees from any towing fees charged by the tow company.
- All vehicles are towed by Honolulu Towing, (808) 839-9494. If your vehicle is towed, you are responsible for finding transportation to the site of where the vehicle has been towed to retrieve your vehicle.Please be aware that you may be required to pay fees to the tow company in cash.
- All citations and expenses related to violations are issued against the permit holder if the vehicle has a University permit.
- For non-University registered vehicles, the vehicle owner is responsible for all violations and citations.
- Frequent violations or disregard for University parking rules and regulations may result in the revocation of University parking privileges at the discretion of the Director of Campus Safety in consultation with the Vice President for Student Affairs (student-related) or Assistant Vice President for Human Resources (employee-related).
- Chaminade University is not responsible for damage, loss of property, or theft of vehicles parked or towed on University property.
Please note that parking regulations are subject to change during the year due to construction or emergencies. Notices will be sent out via Chaminade student email.
HOLOcard Student Transportation Pass Program
The HOLOcard is a discounted transportation pass that allows students to ride TheBus and the Honolulu Rail Transit during the term. The Business Office will issue the first card and load the semester value. Payment by credit or debit card can be done on the application. Payment by cash or check can be made when students pick up the HOLOcard at the Business Office. Students must bring their current Chaminade student ID when purchasing a HOLOcard at the Business Office.
It is very important that each student register their card with HOLOcard. If the card is registered with HOLOcard and it gets lost or stolen, the card can be deactivated and the value can transfer to a replacement card. Blank replacement cards are available through the Chaminade Business Office for a $3 fee.
If you are away from campus and your card gets lost or stolen, students may get a replacement card at Times Supermarket, Foodland, and 7-Eleven stores.
If your card is not registered with HOLOcard and it gets lost or stolen, the replacement cost is $225. Chaminade University is not responsible for lost or stolen cards. Do not puncture the card as it will damage the card and your ability to use it. Please note that HOLOcard passes will be available through Chaminade until the end of September 2024 for the fall term 2024 and the end of February 2025 for the spring 2025 term.
*Please note that the rates below are reduced due to a subsidy from the university.
Term | FT DUG/Nursing Students | FT DUG/Nursing Students Residing in Waialae Apartments | Validation Period (Pass start & end dates) |
Fall 2024 | $150 | $40 | Aug 1st to Jan 15th |
Spring 2025 | $150 (rate subject to change) | $40 (rate subject to change) | Jan 1st to May 31st |
Summer 2025 | $135 | $135 | June 1st to Aug 31st |
For more information about the HOLOcard, visit their website or call (808) 768-4656.
University Vans
Employees, students, registered clubs and organizations of the University who have completed the certification process and have been approved by full-time staff in the Office of Student Engagement may use the vans for University-only business, and University-sponsored functions and activities such as:
- University business conducted by individuals/groups from various departments
- Athletics and recreational sports and off-campus practices/games
- Field trips/classroom-related outings
- Off-campus programs
- Retreats
- Training
- University-related airport drop-off and pick-up
- Volunteer activities
Please review the Vehicle Use and Driver Responsibility Policies, located in SilverSource, before requesting a van as it covers the certification procedure, driver and passenger requirements, as well as general policies about van usage and emergency procedures. All forms related to the vans may also be found in SilverSource.